(a community theatre)
Evita, 2009
News and Events
Improv Night: 100-sided Improv
We're kicking off 2025's events calendar with a drop-in improv night! This event is open to absolutely anyone, whether you're a seasoned pro or totally new to improv. Together with co-hosts Noah Nazim, John Mazerolle and Nason Scribner, we'll take turns rolling a 100-sided die to see what games come up.
Where: The Fox & Crow, 550 University Avenue
When: Monday March 10, 2025, 7:30-9:30pm

Play Reading: The Importance of Being Earnest, by Oscar Wilde
Now is as good a time as any for laughs, and it's hard to beat this witty skewering of Victorian social norms by Oscar Wilde. E-readers will be provided at the event, but you're welcome to bring a hard copy if you prefer. Posh English accents will not be mandatory, but will most certainly be applauded.
Where: The Fox & Crow, 550 University Avenue
When: Monday, March 24, 2025, 7:30-9:30pm
Upcoming shows
Check back to this space to see what we are planning next !

2025 / 2026 SEAON
We are seeking proposals for our 2025/26 season. Do you have a show in mind, or would you like help getting involved as a producer, director, stage manager or member of a crew? CONTACT US! We would love to get you on a list of people willing to help out with putting on our next season! Click here for info. Contact Keir Malone, Director of Theatre to express interest, actproductionspei@gmail.com